
Our Decision Intelligence Platform

Turn ambiguous, siloed data into the most trusted, reusable resource for your organization.

Learn more about the Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform

The platform to transform your decision-making

Integrate any source at scale to build a trusted data foundation
Multi-Source Data Ingestion
Accelerate data onboarding with low-code, scalable, high performance data preparation and ingestion, delivering a truly multi-source capability that doesn’t require any schema. 
Entity Resolution
Connect disparate and ambiguous internal and external data at scale with Quantexa’s unique data matching method.
Enhanced Data Quality
Use all data available to ensure highest accuracy at scale. Measure and visualize data quality with our Entity Quality Scoring tool, making it easy to take action and improve.
Create Context
Reveal relationships and insights, create stronger analytics
Graph Analytics
Generate networks of relationships within data and use Graph Analytics in decisioning models to provide real context and accuracy.
Composite AI
Leverage domain knowledge and human expertise to complement and inform decisioning models and AI through business rules, knowledge graphs and other existing and emerging AI techniques, in conjunction with machine or deep learning.
Context-Based ML
Create contextual features in data, which is used in machine learning, resulting in far more accurate models.
Decide & Act
Augment and automate decision-making for actionable insights
Operationalized AI
Deploy AI models into real-time production environments, reducing the cost, risk and time-to-value of AI programs.
Dynamic Data Exploration
Create dynamic queries across billions of data points to highlight where risks or opportunities lie, generating context for more accurate decisions.
Explainable Decisions
Build open and transparent models that are fully accessible to end users, so data scientists can understand the context they’ve created, explain results and validate models.

What do data, analytics, and AI have in common?

They are all key elements of making data-driven business decisions. 

Any analytics, AI or decisions will only be as good as your data is. Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform is designed to help you get there, faster.

Our composite AI-powered Platform combines multiple techniques to onboard data from any source, connect it in a meaningful way, extract insights and make confident operational and strategic decisions.

Open and modular for outcome-driven solutions

Unify Data
Create Context
Decide & Act

Integrate any source at scale

  • Accelerate your data onboarding with low-code, scalable, high-performance data preparation and ingestion.

  • Connect all internal and external data at scale with unprecedented accuracy for multiple use cases.

  • Improve data quality as part of the unification process.


What makes our platform different

Provides 99% accuracy for single views, 20% proven de-duplication of records, and a 75%+ reduction in false-positive alerts.


Generative AI for transformational gains

Quantexa continues to drive platform innovation with our latest offering, Q Assist, a generative AI technology suite to aid organizations in bridging the data gap with context-aware AI, transforming disparate data into actionable insights. 

Our new generative AI technology suite takes the power of Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform and democratizes data across organizations by providing a trusted data foundation with Graph Analytics alongside Generative AI.


What you can expect

60 billion

Records managed with enterprise scalability


Entity Resolution accuracy


Reduction in false-positive alerts


Proven de-duplication of records


Solve it with Quantexa

You don’t know the risks you can’t see

Explore Quantexa’s financial crime solutions to see our unified approach to combating economic crime, and fraud.

our ecosystem

More than a platform

Our world-class ecosystem and growing user community are here to support your ongoing success.

Quantexa Partner Ecosystem

Our partner ecosystem represents some of the best and brightest companies across the globe.


Quantexa Community

A place for customers and partners to learn, share, and collaborate.


Customer Services

Maximize your investment in Quantexa through our Expert Services, Learning Academy, and support.

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See it in action

Protect, optimize, and grow your organization with Decision Intelligence. More is possible with the right data in the right context.