
AI Without Doubt: Getting Your Data Ready For AI

Recorded by Quantexa

The potential impact AI can have on enterprises is unmatched – but there are roadblocks to using AI effectively and efficiently. While GenAI and LLMs have a solid understanding of the real world, they don’t necessarily understand your data – and they can be prone to inaccuracies. That’s why a solid data foundation is critical for successful and high-performing AI initiatives.

To overcome these modern challenges, Jamie Hutton, Chief Technology Officer at Quantexa, shares the capabilities of Q Assist, Quantexa's new GenAI Technology Suite. Q Assist combines an LLM with the rich context uncovered through Knowledge Graphs within the Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform – creating a deeper understanding of your data.

The benefits of Q Assist include: streamlining and accelerating operational processes to achieve greater efficiency; empowering customer-facing teams with access to enriched data to increase revenue; and increasing focus on more strategic tasks.

The rapid change of pace in the AI landscape demands quality data. Learn more about Q Assist and how Quantexa helps your organization get data ready for AI.